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IBM's Floating Point animals Intel's 8 bit byte Jehovah, its Hebrew meaning, Life, Breathing, and the Lord's Prayer Jesus genealogies Lamb's Book of Life Love God Makeup of Man Marriage and Betrothal Meals Measurements Timeline Milestone in 2020 for the 7,777,777,777th baby Music Timeline NBN Timeline NBN Dec 2023 Telstra 3.55m 40.4% Numerals and Early Maths Recorded Songs and Movies, Reverse Phone Lookup Australia
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Australian Timelines
and Indigenous people and compulsory enrolment Pioneer at Dover Heights & Parkes By 2020, Australia the world's biggest exporter of Iron Ore ($79.6B). Top import was Cars ($13.7B)... Coal Briquettes ($36.4B), Aluminium Oxide ($3.59B), Sheep and Goat Meat ($2.7B), and Wool ($1.58B). Other top exports were Petroleum Gas ($26.8B) and Gold ($17.7B), exporting mostly to China ($102B), Japan ($31.8B), South Korea ($17.2B), United States ($11.6B), and India ($11.3B). Top imports were Cars ($13.7B), Refined Petroleum ($10.8B), Gold ($6.49B), Broadcasting Equipment ($6.38B), and Computers ($5.76B). Country: China ($57.2B), United States ($24.2B), Japan ($12.2B), Thailand ($10.4B), and Germany ($9.67B). China still largest partner 13.903 million workers by industry. Since 1990, Manufacturing dropped from 14% to 6%, Health Care rose from 5% to 15%. GDP + Tax stats 2019 GDP adopted worldwide after 1944. US used GNP 1934-1991, GDP 1991. China adopted GDP 1993. GVA (unlike GDP) includes Govt subsidies and excludes Indirect taxes (i.e. GST, Tariffs, Fuel, Payroll Tax, Land Tax etc) Boomers and Gen X,Y,Z Total 2021 $593bn GDP $2 trillion a. GST ABNs 2.4mn 12% b. Company Tax 19% c. Personal PAYG 11mn 39% from 14.7mn returns d. State (PayrollTax, StampDuty Rego) & Local (Rates) 19% e. Fed (Customs, Excise, Fuel) 11% More info Other Country Status-Timelines Intro - All countries
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AT&T 's Baudot to ASCII
First an introduction It is often called the first computer with its coding capacity to conditionally "branch", as well as "loop", thus differentiating it from earlier adding machines and calculators. It was followed in England by the Manchester Baby in 1948, Cambridge University's EDSAC in 1949, and the US Army's EDVAC at Maryland first operational in 1952. They all followed mathematician COBOL, click here for those unfamiliar with its inventor, was a "business English" programming language which the US Department of Defence insisted that all computer manufacturers, if they wanted US Government contracts, had to be able to support. Launched in 1960, strongly supported by IBM after 1962, and the ICT/ICL 1900 series of business computers in England after 1964, by the year 1970 COBOL had become the most widely used programming language in the world. Cobol is said to have 90% dominance in global financial transactions and is widespread through banks, supermarkets, governments, insurance and airlines. It's called a "third generation" (3GL) language. Standards are set by Click here for a brief summary of the meaning of 1, 2, 3 and 4GL languages. These early 3GLs contrast with later 3GLs (and 4GLs), now with run-time systems or "virtual machines" built using C and C++ compiled executables, e.g. Java now owned by the Oracle Corporation, and Javascript whose trademark is owned by Oracle, and standardized by Euro group ECMA International. Click here and here for the level of demand for COBOL programmers worldwide in 2022. The estimated 800 billion lines of code in daily use, and $2 trillion said to have been invested over its 60 years via myriads of flowcharts and systems analysis, continues to play its part. While verbose, it is the most readable, understandable and self-documenting programming language available. Well written code is straightforward and robust — in a professional English-like way Go to Computer Timeline, World Wide Web & Language Aids
1st our movers and shakers
1GL, 2GL, 3GL, 4GL
Assembly one step from machine code
Cable Phone to RJ45 (Ethernet), a timeline from 1873
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Computer Clocks code
Disk Drives
EPROM and Flash Memory
Facebook, its Founding & Facemash
Honeywell's OSI Model 1984
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Memory how it works & MOS transistors
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Number Allocation (Phones)
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AT&T's C and Unix 1972
Early Bus S-100 1974
Early CP/M 1975
Early Home Computers
Early IMSAI 8080 1976
Early VisiCalc 1979
Early Wordstar 1979
Early dBASE II 1981
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