Africa, Balkans Currencies

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South African Rand USD to ZAR

On 14th February 1961, the Rand was introduced equal to 10 UK shillings or $US 1.40
Feb 1961 0.71
Jan 1970 0.71
Jan 1982 0.96
Jan 1985 2.16
Jan 1989 2.38
Jan 1993 3.07
Jan 1998 4.94
Jan 2013 8.80
Jan 2020 14.42
Jan 2024 18.80 Rand to the dollar

Ethiopian Birr USD to ETB In the 18th and 19th centuries, Maria Theresa Austrian thalers and blocks of salt called "amole tchew" served as currency in Ethiopia. The US Mexican dollar and the Indian rupee (worth 2 English shillings) were also used in foreign trade. In 1855 the Maria Theresa Austrian thaler was adopted as the official coin (called "birr" meaning "silver"). In 1931, the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I, formally requested that the international community use the name Ethiopia instead of Abyssinia, and the issuing Bank of Abyssinia also became the Bank of Ethiopia. With the Italian occupation in 1936 the Italians exchanged 3 lira for 1 birr. Previously the birr was at par with the Thaler (trade dollar) at 4 English shillings and twopence. Many held on to their birr notes during the occupation as the value of the lira dropped. In 1941, the British exchanged the Italian currency at 24 Italian lira to the East African shilling, with the birr subsequently devalued to 2 shillings i.e. 2½ to the US Dollar. Jan 1945 2.50 Jan 1970 2.50 Jan 1987 2.00 Jan 1991 2.90 Jan 1992 2.90 Jan 1993 5.00 Jan 2008 9.23 Jan 2014 19.19 Jan 2020 32.05 Jan 2024 56.50 Birr to the dollar
Nigerian Naira USD to NGN On 1st January 1973 the Naira was introduced equal to 10 UK shillings or $US 1.40 Jan 1973 0.71 Jan 1978 0.63 Jan 1985 0.90 Jan 1986 1.75 Jan 1987 3.87 Jan 1988 4.72 Jan 1991 10 Jan 1994 22 Jan 1999 93 Jan 2016 199 Jan 2020 360 Jul 2024 1600 Naira to the dollar

Balkans Currencies (Serbia and Albania)

Serbian Dinar

Unlike Greece, inside Serbia the Ottoman Empire provided law and order through garrisoned troops significantly through the ancient Belgrade Fortress not withdrawing these troops until 18 April 1867. Followed that year by the issuing of the Serbian dinar, pegged to the French franc, $US0.20.

  1. In 1929 the founding of Yugoslavia. Other Balkan states exchanged the Austro-Hungarian Kronen currency at 4 Kronen per dinar
  2. Apr 1941 Occupied by Germany. Revalued to 250 Reichmarks
  3. YUF Nov 1944 Federation ruled by Tito 1944-1980. At 300 dinars to USD, YUF Dinar exchanged for 20 wartime dinars
  4. YUD Jan 1966 1:100 Hard dinar replaced Federation Dinar
  5. YUN Jan 1990 1:10,000 YUD
  6. YUR Jul 1992 (reformed) 1:10 YUN
  7. YUO Oct 1993 worth 1 million YUR
  8. YUG Jan 1994 worth 1000 million YUO
  9. YUM On 24 January 1994, pegged to the Deutschmark ~13 million YUG
  10. RSD 2006 With dissolution of Yugoslavia, currency now Republic of Serbia Dinar

Serbian Dinars In 2024 USD to RSD 108 dinars, Euro to RSD 117 dinars

Bosnian Convertible Mark was first issued on 22 June 1998, pegged to the Deutschmark, subsequently to the Euro, a status it retains in 2024
Euro to BAM 1.95 Bosnian Convertible Marks

Croatian Kuna lasted till 1 Jan 2023 to be replaced by the euro at 7.5345 kuna to the euro.


Albanian lek

Albania became independent of the Ottoman Empire on 28 Nov 1912, but was subsequently occupied by Austro-Hungarian troops early in 1916, until driven out by the Italian army in 1918. Following WW1 Zog 1 became firstly PM in 1922, then President in 1925, then King in 1928, reigning until Italy captured the country in April 1939. In 1926 Albania issued the lek (named after Alexander the Great), valued at 5 leks to the French franc, about $US0.04.

In 1944 ruled by Socialist leader Enver Hoxha 1944-1985

In 1965, lek revalued 10:1.

In 1992, lek revalued 50:1.

In 2024 USD to LEK 93 leks

** End of List

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